Friday, May 30, 2014

The Next Steps Towards A Cleaner Ocean

The ocean is connected to us in every way. As we mentioned earlier, marine life is a food source for us. By polluting the ocean with plastic we are poisoning ourselves while also messing up the ocean's food web, also mentioned earlier. It's is our job to preserve the environment and oceans for many more years to come since we are the ones who are slowly destroying it.

Miranda Wang and Jeanny Yao are two young scientists who figured out a way to break down plastic with bacteria by accident while in twelfth grade. It shows no matter how old, you can make a change!


Akinori Ito is the creator of a small machine that converts plastic into oil. If you purify the oil it can be used as gasoline, diesel, and kerosene. This is the kind of creation that could change the world, it is small enough that people could have them in their houses. Unfortunately, this came out in 2010 and since then there has been nothing in news about it. This makes me think of the worst, and believe that someone bought it so it would never be capable of changing the world for the better.

There are a few simple things we can do to prevent our oceans from becoming more polluted.
  • Use as little plastic as possible
    • Use reusable water bottles instead of buying plastic ones everyday. 
    • If you have the choice, use paper bags at the grocery store instead of plastic. Or even better bring your own from home! 
  • Attend beach clean ups in your community or take it upon yourself to go to the beach and pick up trash. 
  • If you see any trash in town or on the ground, pick it up! 
  • Recycle everything you possibly can!
We have the power to change this now! If you take little steps it will help, it might take a long time but it will be effective. 

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